Thank you for choosing IBTC. We are currently working on a detailed tutorial and an introduction video. Until then bear with these GIFs. We are committed for the development as we are hiring continuously. Tokenomics: Only 50 Million coins in total!
We are a hardworking and selfless team whose mere existence is to improve the #cryptocurrency space.
Customers is always left to chose between Bitcoin and Altcoins primarily Ethereum. Much of the transactions
that occur is attributed to mere trading/ investing. Payment against goods/ services is still
very very low. As a payment service, user would always prefer Bitcoin due to its compatibility
and popularity. However, the transactions are slow and there are no automated contracts to oversee. We believe we
can bridge this gap by getting IBTC in a much better AI blockchain platform.
We have a young and energetic team led by our advisory board comprising of
whose domain expertise is rich and varied. This is an ongoing project and we will be
adding more personnel and exciting new projects. We are hiring experienced blockchain developers,
front-end devs, business development, sales executive and marketing gurus that has proven their credibility.
Write to us with your portfolio.
But It's only The Start
80% of the coins were shared through an airdrop in which the remaining 20% were divided equally between marketing and development teams. This also acts as an asset for stability and value creation. The airdrop lasted for 4 days and coins were shared equally amongst the participants. As you see, the platform is fully open, decentralized and has no ICO.
We intend to integrate your iBTC tokens for daily payments. You will receive your own online VISA / MasterCard number that you can use online for payments. In the future, offline payments will also be supported.
Get Mass adoption by spending 75.8 million Dollars on advertising, Sponsoring, Influencers, Big exchanges!
Blend IBTC with AI for better transactions and improving the smart contract on the fly. IBTC uses smart contract proxy updater with revolutionary code that allows to update and improve the code using AI specially written for IBTC
#iBTC@ibtctoken· #iBTCWhitepaper Our goal is to create a profitable IBTC token that will put volatile in control, a safe haven for all countries with good or bad economy. Our AI algos will improve the code with every transaction on IBTC.
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